Takahashi Gardens Waterfront Retreat

A true West Coast experience with a touch of Zen!

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Availability Calendar

Use the availability calendar to see if your preferred dates are available.

Sorry but we are unable to accommodate children or pets and are
a property with no designated smoking areas.

 Denotes an unavailable day.

Nikko Cottage

Yama Suite

Umi Suite



Cottage/Suites & Guests: 1 Room | 2 Guests:
Promotional Code
Selected Dates
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Reserve Online

Choose your dates in the Select Dates box above and you'll be taken to a secure site to complete the information required for your reservation. Your personal and credit card information is double encrypted to ensure security. Check-in is by appointment only, between 1pm - 7pm with check-out by 11am. We require adequate time for housekeeping but will try to accommodate an earlier check in whenever possible. We can't easily accommodate check-ins after 7pm however, if you require a different check-in time due to travel connections, we will do our best. Sorry but we cannot accommodate a later checkout time.

Reserve by Phone or E-mail

If you prefer to reserve via email or phone, just contact us and we'll be happy to book you in.